What we value and believe
Our Values spring from:
The great commandment – Mark 12 v.30
The great commission – Matthew 28 vs. 18 – 20
The Word of God
The Lordship and Centrality of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Father’s Love, Intimacy with the Father and the Healing of Hearts
The River of God and Revival
Being Here for the Harvest
The Power of the Cross of Jesus Christ is available for all who believe!
The Good News or Gospel is the power of the Cross for the salvation of everyone who believes. Of ‘first importance Christ died for our sins’. Salvation includes forgiveness, wholeness, deliverance and healing. This was all paid for by the death of Jesus. ‘If the Son sets you free you will be really free.’
No matter how deep the stain of sin marking the soul the blood he shed when he died can make us clean from every kind of wrongdoing so we are fit to have friendship with God. ‘We can be as clean as freshly fallen snow.’
Jesus took our hell, chose to drink the cup of God’s anger over sin, the punishment our sin deserved. ‘So that whoever believes in him will not perish but has eternal life.’ We have such a hope when we face death.
He heals the broken or fragmented heart and binds up all the wounds. The anointing of the Spirit of Jesus heals trauma, terror, frozen emotions, the blanking out of pain. He can carry our griefs, pains and sorrows so we can live with his peace filling our hearts and his joy crowning our lives.
The price has been paid to free us from having to inherit the consequences of generations of sinful ways. Now we can live freed from the domination and control of darkness over our lives. The cross has disarmed evil spirit powers that would rule over our life by fear.
Now we can receive the Spirit of adoption into God’s family. We can live as a child of our heavenly Father. We are born again as a new creation so that the old things have passed away and all of life becomes new.
Now we can live under open heavens. The curse is broken and heaven is open to our prayer. We can expect a demonstration of the ‘kingdom of the heavens’ as the will of God done in heaven is done on earth.